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Clean Up

A team-building clean up activity is a collaborative and engaging exercise that unites individuals in enhancing a physical space, fostering teamwork, communication, and a sense of accomplishment.
It serves as an excellent means to strengthen team dynamics and align participants towards a shared objective.
Teams will be divided into small groups, each heading in a different direction to collect the most waste In a limited time.
The team which collected the most waste wins! This friendly competition adds an element of excitement, where the primary focus is on collecting the most waste as a group to achieve a collective purpose.
While winning a prize is appealing, the true satisfaction lies in cleaning and preserving the natural area for everyone involved.

Duration: 2-3h

700.001,200.00 incl. VAT

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Group Size

Group Price
10 to 20 participants
21 to 30 participants
31-40 participants

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If you are interested in this or another of our adventures, get in touch and contact us. We’ll respond right back.

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